The new business areas may include the launch of new loan products, according to the market principle of supply and demand, so as to meet the requirements of economic and social development. 新业务可以包括按照市场供需原则开发、推出新的贷款品种,以满足经济发展和社会发展的需要。
Therefore, to conduct the reform of power system shall not only adhere to the common market principle but also take its particularity into serious consideration so as to guarantee the stable operation of power market. 因而,进行电力体制改革不仅要遵循一般的市场规则建立电力商品的价格形成机制,更要充分考虑其特殊性,以保证电力市场运行的稳定。
While pursuing the maximal profit on the market principle, the media should take their social responsibility and show their concern for human beings. 媒介在赢利至上的市场规则下,也应该担负起一定的社会责任,体现出一种温暖的人文情怀。
2003 Workshop on General Adoption of the Market Principle in Work Safety Promotion and Education 2003安全生产宣传教育市场化研讨会
Meanwhile, continuous efforts will be made to regulate and develop shareholding commercial banks, support their association and reorganization in line with the market principle, and encourage foreign capital to join china's existing shareholding commercial banks. 与此同时,要继续规范和发展股份制商业银行,支持其按市场原则进行联合重组,鼓励外国资本向中国现有股份制商业银行入股。
Education also emits its effects in many directions. 2003 Workshop on General Adoption of the Market Principle in Work Safety Promotion and Education 教育也在许多方面产生作用。2003安全生产宣传教育市场化研讨会
Market principle: Conduct the brand, create the market. 市场理念:经营品牌,创造市场。
In fact, the definite assessment to the function of market principle and government control is not acceptable. 其实,对市场调节与政府调控功能的绝对评价都是不足取的。
With the general adoption of the market principle of the power system and the exploitation of the hydropower plants in our country, it is meaning that discussing the scheduling of the cascade hydropower plants in the power market. 电力系统运营市场化机制的实施,以及我国对梯级水电站的大力开发,探讨电力市场模式下的梯级水电站的运营及水库调度工作问题具有重要意义。
Market economy is a way of economic operation which takes market as a means of social resources distributions, and the market principle is the basic value as well as essence of the market economy. 市场经济是以市场为社会资源配置方式的一种经济运行方式,而市场原则是市场经济的基本价值指向和实质。
Study of the Process of Domestic Oil Product Price in the General Adoption of the Market Principle 国内成品油价格市场化进程研究
Being an economical entity, health enterprise must abide by market principle. 卫生事业作为经济实体,必须遵循市场原则。
As we are adopting the market principle in the economy of China, whether we can increase the income of peasants is determined by the adjustment of agricultural structure, which is closely related to how the rural market develops. 在中国经济市场化的进程中,农民收入的提高主要取决于农业结构的调整,而农业结构的调整又与农村市场的发育程度密切相关。
This mode is of profound significance for China of heightening the level of general adoption of the market principle, raising farmer's income, optimizing agricultural structure and promoting modernized agricultural production. 订单农业的实施,对提高我国农业的市场化程度,增加农民收入,调整和优化农业结构,推动农业现代化将产生重要而深远的影响。
The reform of organizational structure under the guidance of market principle, systematic principle integrity principle and innovation principle should be carried out in such ways like gradual perfection, development based on its priorities or through transformation in accordance with their individual characteristics. 在市场化原则、系统性原则、整体设计原则和创新原则的指导下组织结构的变革可根据企业自身的具体情况采取逐步完善、择优发展、彻底变革等方式来进行。
Analysis is made on the necessity and methods of transforming the interest rate into general adoption of the market principle, and provided the countermeasure. 对我国实施利率市场化改革的必要性以及进行利率市场化改革存在的问题进行了分析,并相应提出了解决问题的对策。
Adjust the direction of market principle, namely to perfect the regulations for market and the system of guarantee. 调整市场规制方向,完善市场法规与保障制度。
On the Functional Perspective of Policy-oriented Finance Based on the Market Principle 论基于市场原则的政策性金融功能观
Therefore, the first task for the reform of the general adoption of the market principle in China is to adjust and harmonize the social economic relations. 因此,中国市场化改革的首要任务是要调整和理顺人们的社会经济关系。
The news media's management follows market principle; 新闻媒介在经营上走向市场;
Impart necessary basic law knowledge to students, make them develop and progress in market principle; 传授学生必要的法律基础知识,使之在市场规则中开拓进取;
At the same time, in the constitution of policy for talent introduction, we should follow the systematical principle, delamination principle and market principle. 同时,在引进人才的政策制定中,还要注意遵循系统化原则、分层原则和市场化原则。
Advanced on the premise of efficiency market, the model can take the return and risk of debt and equity into account, and follows closely the market principle of fair and equivalent exchange. 由于期权模型以有效市场假设为前提,并且直接考虑了债权和股权的收益与风险,这种方法更为有效地体现了等价交换的市场原则。
In essence, credit information service belongs to information consultation activities, and so we should develop the industry of credit information service in the market principle. 信用信息服务本质上是一种信息咨询活动,应该采取市场化的方式发展我国的信用信息服务行业。
Chapter One gives a brief introduction of the theory of market principle and government control. 文章共分四部分:第一章是对市场调节理论和政府调控理论的基本概述;
The Dialectical Characteristic of Market Principle and its Value Choices 市场原则的辩证特性及其价值选择
Financial globalization has propelled the world-wide economical development, promoted the efficiency of the global financial industry and sped up the free capital flow and the general adoption of the market principle. 金融全球化推动了世界经济的增长,促进了全球金融业效率的提高,加速了资本的自由流动、汇率和利率的市场化。
Under the circumstances of interest rate adopted of the market principle and the implementation Basel ⅱ, it is an important challenge for the commercial bank to study the pricing models by using advanced credit risk pricing technology. 在我国利率市场化以及巴塞尔新资本协议实施的双重背景下,应用国际上先进的信用风险定价技术,研究贷款定价模型,是当前商业银行经营决策中面临的一项重大挑战。
In our country, as the new trend of traditional delivery business has developed to general adoption of the market principle and the business of modern logistics, Logistics Park. 在我国,随着传统储运业向市场化及现代物流业方向的发展转变,物流园区已成为现代物流业发展的新趋势,积极规划建设现代物流园区成为推进我国现代物流发展的重要主题。
Tax price is not a simple simulation of economic activities but a vector of specific value. Tax is rooted on economic activities, which follows the market principle of exchange of equal values and is confined by economic development situation. 所谓价格是市场活动的最基本表现手段,税收价格不是对经济活动的简单模拟,而是具体价值的矢量,税收既是根基于经济活动,也是应遵循市场等价交换的原则,受到经济发展状况的制约。